OLD-About Waggener

If you’re reading this, you are probably somewhat familiar with Waggener, but possibly not familiar with all of the history, or not familiar with what Waggener is like today, so this page should help fill in some of those gaps.

Waggener High School reference information:

The JCPS School named Waggener – This is the official JCPS Waggener School website and describes all the various programs offered, and a lot of good material about the school as it is currently. You are encouraged to look this over just to get familiar with it – it has probably changed a little since you attended.

Waggener Website Run By Students – It is not exactly clear who runs this site, but it is as official looking as the JCPS site, and much more interesting.

JCPS 2024-25 Parent’s Calendar

All the JCPS Calendars

Waggener Student Assignment Boundaries

It is worth noting that Waggener’s Home Boundary and Far-Away Choice Boundary are actually contiguous!
You can see the Student Assignment boundaries here.

Some History

Waggener and St. Matthews History – by Al Ring

I always liked this picture.

OK, admittedly, I shot and processed it.

  • DaveC
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